Residential District & the Boise International Market

Friday, September 04, 2015

This team will investigate ways to integrate the Bench’s current population with the refuge population as well as the millennium generation; both groups are interested in living in the district. This team will look into ways to address upcoming needs related to this population shift such as housing with life style, affordable housing, proximity of work and recreation with small parks, public gardens, etc. What types of services and schools would be needed? This team will need to research a spectrum of types of housing.  Due to a recent (September 5, 2015) fire which destroyed the Boise International Market this section of the scope will be revised to address potential approaches to re-establishing the market in its former or a newly imagined form.  Flexibility will be built into this component due to the challenges facing residents and vendors with loss of the market. 

Key Stakeholders:
  • Neighborhood associations: 
    • Central Bench Neighborhood Association
    • Borah Neighborhood Association 
    • Morris Hill Neighborhood Association  
    • Central Rim Neighborhood Association
  • Idaho Office of Refugees and other support organizations
  • Developers: Hawkins & Maverick 
  • Boise International Market 

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