Health Community District

This team will investigate ways to define and plan for a health community district that allows health care providers to define a territory of influences in the neighborhood. Two key ideas should be addressed:

First, hospitals, clinics and other care providers need to relate to mind-use opportunities that serve their employees needs and the needs of family members supporting loved ones receiving care. Second, hospitals and health care professionals that support healthy living environments that promote walking, recreating, living and working in a district a neighborhood as they relate to health. This team will also investigate on of the main job generators and stakeholders in the district - St. Alphonsus Hospital - and look into ways it could develop and integrate within the neighborhood, while addressing their various needs, from emergency vehicles, hotels, food & beverage, retail, etc.

Key Stakeholders:
  • St. Alphonsus Hospital
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Parks & Services Department

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