Industrial District with Tank Farms

This team will investigate ways to facilitate a conversation for the neighborhood on how to grow, how to coexist with the industry, and/or to transform though years with the current industrial land uses.

  • What are the major sources of conflicts, major constraints or opportunities that could be identified with this challenge?
  • How to plan what to plan for and for whom and at what scale?
  • Could industrial, residential and/or commercial as well as recreational activities in this neighborhood co-exist?
  • What types of connectivity (or pedestrian connections) would be needed to help co-exist with the residential neighborhoods (tree planting, etc) that could be part of the proposed plan?
  • Could art programs be implemented to help soften the edges and overlaps between residential neighborhood and industry? (Ex: art/paint on the tank farms)?
  • The team should identify major transportation challenges that could arise if industrial uses remain or relocate

Key Stakeholders:
  • J-U-B Engineers
  • Tesoro Corporation
  • Intermountain Gas Company
  • Other resident stakeholders (within the quadrant and or the neighborhood)
  • Research on Arts & History programs (City of Boise) 


Have feedback? Let us know!


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